You are all aware that AdSense is a free, simple way to earn money by displaying targeted ads next to your online content.

With AdSense, you can show relevant and engaging ads to your site visitors and even customize the look and feel of ads to match your website.

Some of you may now have an adsense account, congratulations, please take care and abide by its policy.

Some of you perhaps fear adsense. You opted to join a different ad network. You read a lot of negative and arbitrary articles against it.

Eliminate your fears. Adsense is not arbitrary.

If you commit a minor violation for instance, it will not close or shut your site immediately. Instead, it will issue a warning and you will be notified through the email address you provided during the sign-up process so it is important to open your email account everyday for any update.

When you receive a warning from adsense, read carefully the reason for the warning and fix it.

The issues are stated in the email letter.

Fixing means you either remove all your code in your site or check the offending page or pages and remove or modify it to comply with Google policy.

As soon as you receive a warning from Google, fix your site asap although no time-line was given to fix the violation.

You do not need to inform or notify Google after you have fixed the problem.

Do not fear Adsense, It will not shut or disable ad serving to your site unless you are guilty for extreme policy violation such as

  • Adult Content

  • Copyright Infringement

  • Violent Content

  • Recidivist or repeat policy violator

What should you do in case your site is disabled for policy violation?

You can make an appeal. Adsense will review the page or pages violating its terms and policies. But before filing an appeal, be sure to remove the ad code from the violating pages of your site.

To make your appeal case credible and worthy of consideration, you must show exactly what you did to address the violation and tell Google how you will prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Eliminate your fears and doubts about adsense. The only time in which your account will be shut down completely is when

  • Your violation is egregious, flagrant or outrageously bad

  • You are a recidivist or repeat policy violator